About Me


Watercolor and Ink.

Ever since I was a kid, I was always trying to make something. Draw something, weave something, make little bits of jewelry, suncatchers out of beads, dreamcatchers out of mulberry branches and bits of thread. Creations born of inspiration brought on by friends or a desire to amuse seemed especially satisfying, and more often than not a lot of my creative endeavors usually start with a gift, whether it was a doodle to a friend to cheer them up, or a piece of jewelry to make my family smile.

And here I am, many years later, still at it.

Illustration offers a way to tell a story through an image or with several, and I’m still learning how to become more efficient with it. I start with pencil and preliminary inks, watercolor paints, and a final inking. I prefer playful lines and rich colors, expressive shapes that give the right impression with as little information as possible. I want a person to look at my drawing and immediately feel what I’m trying to convey: sadness, joy, hilarity, energy, family, love, and more.

Most of my work is custom; many people have a specific image or subject they want filtered through my stylistic approach. I find, after long years of creating, that I work better when I can collaborate with someone. I really enjoy receiving an idea and running with it in my own manner and pattern, conceiving something unique every single time.

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